
May 4, 2017

the classification of aluminum foil

Aluminum foil is made of aluminum and aluminum alloy sheet, the produce process is rolling, then the aluminum alloy sheet become thin aluminum coil, strip or sheet. Generally if the thickness is less than 0.2 mm, it is called the aluminum foil. The topic of this article is about the classification of aluminum foil, which can take you knowledge of aluminum foil classification systematically.

aluminum foil

(1) If it is according to the shape, the aluminum foil can be divided into rolled aluminum foil and sheet aluminum foil. Aluminum foil products supply mode is mainly by roll, only several handicrafts packaging users use sheet aluminum foil. Because by roll can save more space and easy to transfer or move. To a aluminum foil buyer, aluminum foil roll is the right choice.
(2) If it is according to the thickness, the aluminum foil can be divided into thick foil, single zero foil, double zero foil. To thick foil, the thickness is 0.1- 0.2 mm, to single zero foil, the thickness is 0.01 – 0.1 mm, to double zero foil, the thickness use mm as measurement unit with two zero after decimal point.
(3) If it is according to the state, the aluminum foil mainly divided into the full hard state foil, soft state foil, semi-hard state foil, a quarter hard foil and three-quarters hard foil.
(4) If it is according to the state of surface, the aluminum foil can be divided into single shiny side foil and double shiny side foil.
(5) If it is according to utility, the aluminum foil can be divided into packing foil, foil for commodities, electrical equipment foil and building foil.
No matter with which classify method, Haomei can offer the best quality aluminum foil for you. If you are interest in any kind of aluminum foil, you cam contact our staff to get more details, such as MOQ and price, we are ready to offer best service for you!

About Nydia

One Comment
  1. Hello dear,
    I am interested in your product, kindly give me offer for one roll
    Looking forward for your kindly response

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